
Kollel D’Flatbush opened its doors just over 3 years ago, when 15 young, handpicked families moved to our neighborhood from Yerushalayim and Lakewood. Instantly, discerning area residents recognized that the Kollel was a newfound treasure. Now that the Kollel has moved to its spacious, permanent home on the corner of Bedford Avenue and Avenue K, even more Flatbush residents can benefit from all that the Kollel has to offer.

An important founding principle of the Kollel is that it is in and for the community. You will find a beautiful environment for pure and uninterrupted Limud HaTorah morning, noon and night; uplifting Tefillos; inspiring Shiurim; and more. After just one visit, you’ll see what makes the Kollel – under the dynamic leadership of its Rosh Kollel, Harav Naftoly Baum, shlita – so special.

To learn more about the kollel feel free to contact us or to make a donation and help continue the Harbotzas Hatorah, click here


Rosh Hakollel

Harav Naftoly Baum


Vaad Harabanim

Harav Elya Brudny

Harav Mordechai Dick

Harav Shimon Yehuda Svei